Boosting Your Bargaining Power For Negotiating Your Career Jump
How much would you lose annually on a salary of 10L if you don't negotiate?
₹ 2-4 lakhs 🙄 as per research by Pink Ladder.
But the best negotiation isn’t only about Salary. It’s where you win:
1. Best salary
2. Best benefits and
3. Best relationship with the company
Our learnings from helping ~ 100 people and best practices by Harvard & Stanford University researches have been crucial in building this guide.
Save your 50 odd hours & learn that bargaining negotiation to grow 5X.
You can get this free resource from Sparklehood.
Use it to:
- Visualize your best package
- Materialize your bargaining power
- Build your negotiation
- Frame your ask
And find Job that’s a win-win for you & company.
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